lee abbey talk #4


Take the coastal path from Woody Bay to Hunter’s Inn … and it’s easy to see our lives at Lee Abbey surrounded by the glory of God


We’re daring to ask God to make saints this week - and here are some He made earlier …

It was an immense pleasure sharing such wonders with Liz and Maureen from our own congregation in Horsham - not least since they themselves are also clear visual aids of the Beauty of Holiness … here nature itself decided to celebrate them with an unexpected bouquet!


To sum up talk #4 :

Jesus gives sight to the blind (from John chapter 9)

4 common causes of spiritual blindness

the secret of the saints : as you & I do the beholding, God does the transforming by the power of His Spirit

the “Yes but How of Contemplative Prayer : 101”

Click to download Talk 4 : Low at his feet lay thy burden of prayerfulness


As we have sung several times this week, with ever increasing passion …

Finish, then, Thy new creation;
pure and spotless let us be.
Let us see Thy great salvation
perfectly restored in Thee

Changed from glory into glory,
till in heaven we take our place,
till we cast our crowns before Thee,
lost in wonder, love, and praise



Now read this

very happily birthday-ed

This is just a line to thank everyone who sent me Birthday greetings for yesterday - it was an amazing day! Glynn & Judith (friends over on holiday from St. Mary’s) whisked us off to Tofino, a paradise for surfers (and vicars)... Continue →