very happily birthday-ed

This is just a line to thank everyone who sent me Birthday greetings for yesterday - it was an amazing day!

Glynn & Judith (friends over on holiday from St. Mary’s) whisked us off to Tofino, a paradise for surfers (and vicars) further up Vancouver Island

We arrived in time for sunset … I can personally vouch for this grand event being staged every day for the last 55 years (& reportedly for even longer than that) - but am not sure it has been quite this beautiful, ever before …



Glynn and Judith’s birthday card to me was also quite inspired - consisting of the closing words of the very Dr Seuss book I happened to have found in a thrift shop here last week :

So be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray, or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea …

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so … get on your way!




And so the sun set rather definitively upon year 54 of Bridgewater, G S …

And meanwhile back in the cabin, to top all their other kindnesses, Glynn and Judith had even rustled up the most wonderful birthday cake. (Actually it was chocolate mousse - the closest I think I’m now likely to get to any kind of “moose” on this extraordinary trip … )


…. or, in other even more famous words of the great Lou Reed :

“Just a Perfect Day!”


Now read this

farewell to paradise (sfgm #6)

I think Jebs & I eventually discovered the true Mystery of Mayne Island … After sitting on a rock for ages, just gazing out onto the ocean (in company of the cute little bump here, which you will have to trust me is one of a pair of... Continue →