searching for great music #2

Taste in Music.PNG

As friends will know, the search for great music is also something of a personal obsession. For well over a decade now I’ve been making playlists on iTunes, avidly collecting songs I love of all genres, & then printing them off as a CD when ready … “Songs for Guy” # 65 is currently in preparation.

(Sharing these new & old musical discoveries is also an absolutely favourite pleasure, so do ask if you’d like to brave some samples to borrow!)

Guilty favourites (catchy pop anthems I’m far too cool to own up to) also get their own separate series called “Toasted Cheese”, which has now reached volume 8.

The Cheese series is also known as “Songs for Jebs”, who has rather more mainstream musical tastes than her husband. As in so many other ways, she is wonderfully long-suffering of all the Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Alt-Country, Afro-Funk (whatever the latest fad may be) blaring out around the vicarage.

One Valentine’s Day she gave me the card above, which I submit as one of many evidences of her own special claim to sainthood …

When I first found the song attached here (way back in the days of compilation #5) naturally I saw it as a song for Jebs - and in manly fashion, can now never hear it without curiously finding something is in my eye …

It remains hers - but in the context of this blog, perhaps I can also try offering it as a love song between our Lord and you & I …

Let us pray :

PS it looks like the mountain theme is still going ok …


Now read this

searching for great music #1

I thought it would be nice to sprinkle songs through the blog, to help it come alive a little. Here (thanks to Bethany who sends her Dad all sorts of good stuff) is something to set the tone for a season of spiritual exploring. One... Continue →